
Function Client Only icon-iv.png Online and Offline

Available since Client 1.0.0

void natives.taskCarDriveToCoord(Ped ped, Vehicle vehicle, float x, float y, float z, float driveSpeed, int driveFlag, 0 (or model hash), int driveStyle, float stopDist, -1))

The natives.taskCarDriveToCoord function is used to make the vehicle randomly drive around using internal game path data.


1) Ped ped The Ped to drive the Vehicle.
2) Vehicle vehicle The Vehicle to drive with.
3) float x The x position to drive to.
4) float y The y position to drive to.
5) float z The z position to drive to.
6) float driveSpeed The speed of driving in meters per second. (default = 20).
7) int driveFlag The AI driving behavior/flag to use. (0-4, see details below).
8) int hash (unknown) 0 or model hash of the vehicle used in parameter 2.
9) int driveStyle The AI driving style (behavior) to use. (0-7, see details below).
10) float stopDist Radius around the given coords. Vehicle will stop when inside radius.
11) int unknown (unknown) always -1.


void This function doesn't return a value.


There aren't any notes for this function.


Example 1 - JavaScript - Client-Side:

/* example code provided by DrFauli */ addCommandHandler("drivecoords", function(cmdName, params) { // current vehicle/ped handle let thisVeh = null; let thisPed = null;

// check if player is in a car if (!localPlayer.vehicle) { natives.requestModel(-956048545) // Taxi natives.requestModel(8772846); // Taxi Driver natives.loadAllObjectsNow();

// spawn the car thisVeh = createVehicle2(-956048545, localPlayer.position, true); thisVeh.heading = localPlayer.heading;

// spawn the driver thisPed = natives.createCharInsideCar(thisVeh, 1, 8772846);

// prevent ped from leaving the car screaming by marking it as mission_char first natives.setCharAsMissionChar(thisPed, true); natives.setCharStayInCarWhenJacked(thisPed, true);

// warp player into passenger seat natives.warpCharIntoCarAsPassenger(localPlayer, thisVeh, 0); } else { thisVeh = localPlayer.vehicle; thisPed = thisVeh.getOccupant(0); }

// get speed and driveStyle/driveFlag from params let splitParams = params.split(" "); let stopDist = 50; let driveSpeed = Number(splitParams[0]); // default is 20 let driveStyle = Number(splitParams[1]); let driveFlag = Number(splitParams[2]); // default is 0

// let this car drive to coords (0,0,0) // [syntax]: pedHandle, carHandle, x, y, z, driveSpeed, driveFlag, (0 or model hash?), driveStyle, stop distance, unknown(-1) natives.taskCarDriveToCoord(thisPed, thisVeh, 0, 0, 0, driveSpeed, driveFlag, 0, driveStyle, stopDist, -1);

return true; });


There isn't any compatibility information for this function.

driving flag behavior

behavior parameter9 (driving style)
0 normal driving used
1 get to coord as fast as possible ignored
2 driving in reverse used (while reversing)
3 drive wander (ignore coords) used

driving style behavior

traffic lights other cars pedestrians blinkers when stuck
0 ignore drive around drive around not used reverse
1 stop on red stay behind stop and honk used on intersections wait
2 ignore drive around drive around not used reverse
3 ignore ignore ignore not used reverse
4 ignore stay behind stop and honk not used wait
5 stop on red drive around drive around not used reverse
6 stop+reversing drive around drive around not used reverse
7 stop on red stay behind stop and honk used on intersections wait


  • driving styles 0 and 2 seem to be identical.
  • driving styles 1 and 7 seem to be identical.
  • using values < 0 or > 7 will behave like 3
  • the AI will slow down for corners and intersections, but won't break for "drive around" obstacles.

There could be small distance and/or speed differences when "drive around" is used.‎
It is also unclear if the AI drivers are able to see objects like light poles or traffic lights while evading.