Significant Changes

From GTA Connected
Revision as of 04:05, 29 January 2022 by Vortrex (talk | contribs)
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This page shows information about significant changes in the scripting interface for previous versions of GTAC.

Server 1.4.0 and newer

Renamed gta.createCivilian to gta.createPed
Renamed vehicle.carLock to vehicle.lockedStatus

Client 1.4.0 and newer

Renamed gta.createCivilian to gta.createPed.
Renamed gta.currentWeather to
Renamed currentWeather to for IV
Renamed forceWeather to gta.forceWeather for IV
Renamed setWindSpeed to gta.setWindSpeed for IV
Renamed vehicle.carWanderRandomly to vehicle.wanderRandomly
Updated vehicle.driveTo to take a Vec3 instead of 3 floats
Updated vehicle.flyTo to take a Vec3 instead of 3 floats
Updated gta.findGroundZ to take a Vec2 instead of 2 floats
Updated gta.findRoofZ to take a Vec3 instead of 3 floats
Updated int element.syncer to be Client element.syncer
Updated element.setSyncer to take a Client object
Added entity.model as alias for entity.modelIndex

Renamed ped.setWeaponAmmunition to ped.setWeaponSlotAmmunition
Renamed ped.getWeaponAmmunition to ped.getWeaponSlotAmmunition
Renamed ped.setWeaponClipAmmunition to ped.setWeaponSlotClipAmmunition
Renamed ped.getWeaponClipAmmunition to ped.getWeaponSlotClipAmmunition
Renamed ped.setWeaponAmmunitionForWeaponId to ped.setWeaponAmmunition
Renamed ped.getWeaponAmmunitionForWeaponId to ped.getWeaponAmmunition
Renamed ped.setWeaponClipAmmunitionForWeaponId to ped.setWeaponClipAmmunition
Renamed ped.getWeaponClipAmmunitionForWeaponId to ped.getWeaponClipAmmunition
Renamed vehicle.carLock to vehicle.lockedStatus
Renamed gta.findGroundZForCoord to gta.findGroundZCoordinate

Renamed event OnWastePed to OnPedWastedFromAttackerClient
Added int vehicle.lightsStatus to go with existing bool vehicle.lights

Client/Server 1.3.0 and newer

Element type ELEMENT_CIVILIAN was removed. Use ELEMENT_PED instead.

Client/Server 1.3.0 and newer

The setErrorMode function was removed from scripting.

Client 1.1.1 and newer

The game namespace was removed from all names that used it, for both server-side and client-side functionality, as listed below.

New Name Old Name
addMovingParticleEffect game.addMovingParticleEffect
addParticleEffect game.addParticleEffect
addToWorld game.addToWorld
aspectRatio game.aspectRatio
cameraInterior game.cameraInterior
cameraTarget game.cameraTarget
createBlipAttachedTo game.createBlipAttachedTo
createBlip game.createBlip
createBuilding game.createBuilding
createCivilian game.createCivilian
createEffect game.createEffect
createElement game.createElement
createObject game.createObject
createPickup game.createPickup
createPlayer game.createPlayer
createRenderTarget game.createRenderTarget
createSingleParticle game.createSingleParticle
createSphere game.createSphere
createVehicle game.createVehicle
drawRectangle game.drawRectangle
fadeCamera game.fadeCamera
findGroundZForCoord game.findGroundZForCoord
getPeds game.getPeds
getRandomSkin game.getRandomSkin
getScreenFromWorldPosition game.getScreenFromWorldPosition
getVehicles game.getVehicles
getWorldFromScreenPosition game.getWorldFromScreenPosition
height game.height
messages.addJumpQ game.messages.addJumpQ
messages.clear game.messages.clear
removeFromWorld game.removeFromWorld
restoreCamera game.restoreCamera
rwRenderStateSet game.rwRenderStateSet
setCameraLookAt game.setCameraLookAt
setCameraLookAtEntity game.setCameraLookAtEntity
setCameraTarget game.setCameraTarget
setCiviliansEnabled game.setCiviliansEnabled
setEffect game.setEffect
setMainHUDEnabled game.setMainHUDEnabled
setRenderTarget game.setRenderTarget
setTrafficEnabled game.setTrafficEnabled
time.hour game.time.hour
time.minute game.time.minute
time.second game.time.second
width game.width

Client 1.0.19 and newer

The game namespace was removed from all names that used it, for both server-side and client-side functionality, as listed below.

New Name Old Name
createBlipAttachedTo game.createBlipAttachedTo
createEffect game.createEffect
createElement game.createElement
createVehicle game.createVehicle
world game.getWorld
fadeCamera game.fadeCamera