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Game Command for own player - GTA Connected

Game Command for own player


This code adds a blue chat message to the chat box for all players, displaying the game name that the player typing the message is playing, when any player types /game


Lua, Server-Side:

addCommandHandler('game', function(cmd, args, client)
	message( .. ' is playing ' .. getGameNameFromGameId(, COLOUR_BLUE)

function getGameNameFromGameId(gameId)
	if gameId == GAME_GTA_III then return 'GTA III'
	elseif gameId == GAME_GTA_VC then return 'GTA VC'
	elseif gameId == GAME_GTA_SA then return 'GTA SA'
	elseif gameId == GAME_GTA_IV then return 'GTA IV'
	return 'Unknown Game'

JavaScript, Server-Side:

addCommandHandler("game", function(cmd, args, client) {
	message( + " is playing " + getGameNameFromGameId(, COLOUR_BLUE);

function getGameNameFromGameId(gameId) {
	switch(gameId) {
		case GAME_GTA_III:
			return "GTA III";
		case GAME_GTA_VC:
			return "GTA Vice City";
		case GAME_GTA_SA:
			return "GTA San Andreas";
		case GAME_GTA_IV:
			return "GTA IV";
	return "Unknown Game";

Squirrel, Server-Side:

addCommandHandler("game", function(cmd, args, client) {
	message( + " is playing " + getGameNameFromGameId(, COLOUR_BLUE);

function getGameNameFromGameId(gameId) {
	switch(gameId) {
		case GAME_GTA_III:
			return "GTA III";
		case GAME_GTA_VC:
			return "GTA Vice City";
		case GAME_GTA_SA:
			return "GTA San Andreas";
		case GAME_GTA_IV:
			return "GTA IV";
	return "Unknown Game";