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Function Server and Client icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png Online and Offline

Available since Server 1.0.0, Client 1.0.0

void bindKey(int keyCode, int keyState, function handler)

The bindKey function is used to bind a handler to be called when a specific key is pressed, released, or either pressed/released.


1) int keyCode The key code to bind the event for.
2) int keyState The key state to bind the event for. KEYSTATE_DOWN, KEYSTATE_UP, or KEYSTATE_BOTH.
3) function handler The scripting function to call when the specified key is pressed, released, or either pressed/released.


void This function doesn't return a value.


Server-Side Callbacks

function handler(KeyEvent event, Client client)

1) KeyEvent event The KeyEvent object for the event.
2) Client client The Client who triggered the key event.

Client-Side Callbacks

function handler(KeyEvent event)

1) KeyEvent event The KeyEvent object for the event.



Example 1 - JavaScript:

bindKey(SDLK_g, KEYSTATE_DOWN, function(e) {

   console.log("g key pressed down.");



There isn't any compatibility information for this function.


Server Related

icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png bindKey
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png unbindAllKeys
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png unbindKey

Client Related

icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png bindKey
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png isKeyDown
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png isScancodePressed
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png unbindAllKeys
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png unbindKey