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Revision as of 00:33, 11 December 2019

Event Server and Client icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png Online and Offline Cancellable

Available since Server 1.0.0, Client 1.0.0

function(Event event, Resource resource, bool stoppingForRestart)

The onResourceStop event is invoked when a resource stops.


1) Event event The event object for this event.
2) Resource resource The resource which has stopped.
3) bool stoppingForRestart The status of whether the resource is restarting.


cancellable This event can be cancelled, by using event.preventDefault.


There aren't any notes for this event.


Example 1 - Lua:

addEventHandler("OnResourceStop", function(event,resource,stoppingForRestart) outputChatBox("Resource ".. resouce.name .." has stopped."..(stoppingForRestart and " (restarting)" or ""), COLOUR_RED) end)


There isn't any compatibility information for this event.


Server Related

icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png OnResourceStart
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png OnResourceStop

Client Related

icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png OnResourceReady
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png OnResourceStart
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png OnResourceStop