Server Configuration
The default server configuration file is named server.xml
, and is located in the same folder as the file named Server.exe
on Windows or Server
on Linux.
You can use a custom server configuration file with the -config
option. Example: Server.exe -config my-config.xml
. See the server command arguments page for more info on accepted command arguments.
The file uses the XML syntax, with a root node named server
Official XML Specification
Server Property Name | Default Value | Description |
duplicatenames | false | The status of whether to allow players with duplicate names. |
game | gta:iii (required) | The identifier of the game that the server should run for. See game identifiers for more information. |
gamemode | n/a (required) | Custom text to identify the game mode. Appears in the server browser. This is not IV gamemode ID |
httpport | 22000 | The port for the server to transfer HTTP data on, between 0 and 65,535. |
httpserver | true | Whether or not to run the HTTP server |
httpurl | "" (empty string) | A URL (like a CDN) containing the server's client resource files and scripts. Clients will download them from that URL instead of the server. |
logpath | "" (empty string) | The path to store the server logs. Leave blank to not use server logs. |
logtimestamp | "" (empty string) | The timestamp format to use in the log files. Based on the strftime format from C++. Some examples:
maxplayers | 255 | The maximum amount of players that can connect to the server, between 0 and 255. |
minclientversion | 1.3.0 | The minimum version that clients can connect with. See latest client version here |
modules | (empty node) | The modules to load. Use the <module> tag inside the <modules> tag, for each module to load, including the src attribute for the directory path.
password | "" (empty string) | The password to connect to the server. |
pickupstreamindistance | 50.0 | The distance that a pickup is sent to the client, recommended to be about 50.0. |
pickupstreamoutdistance | 100.0 | The distance that a pickup is removed from the client, recommended to be about 100.0. |
port | 22000 | The port for the server to listen on, between 0 and 65,535. Players only need to know the port if using the /connect command in-game, not when using the server browser. |
rcon | false | [Inoperable] The status of whether the server will host the remote console service. |
rconpassword | "" (empty string) | The password to connect to the remote console service. |
resources | (empty node) | The resources to load. Use the <resource> tag inside the <resources> tag, for each resource to load, including the src attribute for the directory path.
serverbrowser | false | The status of whether to show the server in the server browser, use true or false. |
servername | n/a (required) | The name of the server, which appears in the server browser. |
streamindistance | 100.0 | The distance that an entity is sent to a client, recommended 100.0. |
streamoutdistance | 200.0 | The distance that an entity is removed from a client, recommended 200.0. Must be higher than streamindistance |
syncinterval | 30 | The interval, in milliseconds, of each sync occurrence for the regularly sync'd data, between 0 and 65,535. |
syncmethod | interval | The sync type for regularly sync'd data. Use none, interval, or replay. (See sync methods section below) |
cvar | null | Sets a server's cvar value. See CVars for more information. |
bindip | true | Forces the server to use a specific IP. Only for hosts that have multiple IP addresses. |
iv_gamemode | 30 | Sets the built-in gamemode for IV. See IV Gamemodes for more information. |
iv_episode | 0 | Sets the DLC to use for IV. See IV Episodes for more information |
iv_nativemultiplayer | 0 | If enabled, server uses native sync (from Rockstar/GFWL), otherwise server uses GTAC's custom sync |
timesync | false | Enables/disables syncing the time set by server to all clients |
weathersync | false | Enables/disables syncing the weather set by server to all clients |
rule | "" (empty string) | Adds a server rule. See server rules for more info. |
multithreaded | false | Enables/disables using multiple threads for managing network peers. Useful on multi-core systems. |
See the CVars page for info.
Sync Methods
There are a few different config options for server sync. Here is the list of them and a brief description of each.
Name | Description |
none | Disables element sync entirely. Not recommended for multiplayer environments. |
replay | This will sync elements as soon as they're processed. If CPU usage is too busy and processing is slow, sync will be too. |
interval | Default. This forces sync of elements at a specified interval. Use <syncinterval> in server config to set the interval time in milliseconds (ms) |