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Function Client Only icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png Online and Offline

Available since Client 1.0.0

void triggerPeerNetworkEvent(string networkEventName, Client client, [ ... ])

The triggerPeerNetworkEvent function is used to trigger a custom peer to peer network event.


1) string networkEventName The name of the network event, case-insensitive.
2) Client client The client to trigger the network event for.
3) vararg ... Optional, defaults to n/a. Arguments to send to the scripting functions that are bound to the network event.


void This function doesn't return a value.


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Client Related

icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png addEvent
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png addEventHandler
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png bindEventHandler
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png removeEventHandler
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png triggerEvent
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png triggerNetworkEvent
icon-iii.png icon-vc.png icon-sa.png icon-iv.png unbindEventHandler