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- Anticheat
- CVars
- CancellableEvent
- Client/Commands
- Client/Defines
- Client/Events
- Client/Functions
- Client/Natives
- Client/Natives/III
- Client/Natives/IV
- Client/Natives/IV/getPlayerId
- Client/Natives/IV/isNetworkPlayerActive
- Client/Natives/IV/isPlayerControlOn
- Client/Natives/IV/isPlayerDead
- Client/Natives/IV/taskCarDriveToCoord
- Client/Natives/IV/taskCarDriveWander
- Client/Natives/IV/taskCarMissionPedTarget
- Client/Natives/SA
- Client/Natives/VC
- ClientCommands
- ClientManual
- ClientSettings
- ClientSettingsInOldVersions
- ClientVariables
- CrashDumps
- CreateEffect
- CreateRenderTarget
- Defines
- Defines/III
- Defines/IV
- Defines/SA
- Defines/VC
- Downgrading
- DowngradingIV
- Drawing.drawRectangle
- Dumpdoc
- Effect.setFloat
- Element.removeUpgrade
- Format Tags
- GameIdentifiers
- GameModifications
- GamesAndVersions
- GettingStarted
- Gta.currentWeather
- Gta.isDirect3D9
- HTTPServer
- HostingAndJoining
- HowTo/Events
- HowTo/Functions
- IVGamemodes
- Limits
- LinuxServer
- Lua/HowTo/Client/Events
- Lua/HowTo/ClientEvents
- Lua/HowTo/ServerEvents
- MainPageOld
- Main Page
- Manual/Scripting/SharedEvents
- Manual/Scripting/SharedFunctions
- Modules
- NativeMultiplayer
- NetFlags
- OldScriptingExamples
- OldScriptingExamples/AddObject
- OldScriptingExamples/AddVehicle
- OnBeforeDrawHUD
- OnBeforeProcessCamera
- OnCameraProcess
- OnCharacter
- OnChatOutput
- OnCursorDown
- OnCursorMove
- OnCursorUp
- OnDisconnect
- OnDrawHUD
- OnDrawnHUD
- OnElementDestroy
- OnElementStreamIn
- OnElementStreamOut
- OnEntityProcess
- OnFocus
- OnGUIClick
- OnHTTPRequest
- OnKeyDown
- OnKeyUp
- OnLostFocus
- OnMouseConnected
- OnMouseDisconnected
- OnMouseDown
- OnMouseLeave
- OnMouseMove
- OnMouseUp
- OnMouseWheel
- OnPedCrouch
- OnPedDead
- OnPedEnterVehicle
- OnPedExitVehicle
- OnPedFall
- OnPedInflictDamage
- OnPedJump
- OnPedSpawn
- OnPedUncrouch
- OnPedWasted
- OnPickupCollected
- OnPlayerChat
- OnPlayerCommand
- OnPlayerConnect
- OnPlayerJoin
- OnPlayerJoined
- OnPlayerQuit
- OnPostRender2D
- OnPreRender
- OnProcess
- OnRegisterDodoFlightTime
- OnRender
- OnRender2D
- OnRenderEffects
- OnResourceReady
- OnResourceStart
- OnResourceStop
- OnServerStart
- OnSocketLostConnection
- OnSocketNewConnection
- OnStartMission
- OnVehicleExplode
- PageTemplateSyntax
- PagerMessage
- PortForward
- Reflection.toString
- RenderTarget.captureScreen
- RenderTarget.height
- RenderTarget.width
- Resources
- Resources/Animations
- Resources/GTA3
- Resources/GTA3/Animations
- Resources/GTA3/CameraControlUpdate
- Resources/GTA3/CameraModes
- Resources/GTA3/CameraView
- Resources/GTA3/Cutscene
- Resources/GTA3/Elements
- Resources/GTA3/EntityStatus
- Resources/GTA3/Garages
- Resources/GTA3/Islands
- Resources/GTA3/Missions
- Resources/GTA3/Objects
- Resources/GTA3/Objects/General Objects
- Resources/GTA3/Objects/Portland
- Resources/GTA3/Objects/Shoreside Vale
- Resources/GTA3/Objects/Staunton Island
- Resources/GTA3/ParticleEffects
- Resources/GTA3/PedParts
- Resources/GTA3/PedSkins
- Resources/GTA3/PedStats
- Resources/GTA3/Pickups
- Resources/GTA3/RadarBlips
- Resources/GTA3/Speech
- Resources/GTA3/ThreatSearch
- Resources/GTA3/VehicleColours
- Resources/GTA3/VehicleModels
- Resources/GTA3/Voice
- Resources/GTA3/WalkStyle
- Resources/GTA3/Weapons
- Resources/GTA3/Weather
- Resources/GTAEFLC
- Resources/GTAEFLC/VehicleColours
- Resources/GTAIV
- Resources/GTAIV/Animations
- Resources/GTAIV/Episodes
- Resources/GTAIV/GameModes
- Resources/GTAIV/PedSkins
- Resources/GTAIV/RadarBlips
- Resources/GTAIV/VehicleColours
- Resources/GTAIV/VehicleModels
- Resources/GTAIV/Weapons
- Resources/GTAIV/Weather
- Resources/GTASA
- Resources/GTASA/Animations
- Resources/GTASA/Missions
- Resources/GTASA/PedSkins
- Resources/GTASA/PedVoices
- Resources/GTASA/Pickups
- Resources/GTASA/RadarBlips
- Resources/GTASA/Sounds
- Resources/GTASA/Speech
- Resources/GTASA/VehicleColours
- Resources/GTASA/VehicleModels
- Resources/GTASA/VehicleUpgrades
- Resources/GTASA/VehicleVariants
- Resources/GTASA/Voice
- Resources/GTASA/Weapons
- Resources/GTASA/Weather
- Resources/GTAVC
- Resources/GTAVC/Animations
- Resources/GTAVC/Garages
- Resources/GTAVC/Interiors
- Resources/GTAVC/Islands
- Resources/GTAVC/Missions
- Resources/GTAVC/PedParts
- Resources/GTAVC/PedSkins
- Resources/GTAVC/PedStats
- Resources/GTAVC/Pickups
- Resources/GTAVC/RadarBlips
- Resources/GTAVC/Speech
- Resources/GTAVC/ThreatSearch
- Resources/GTAVC/VehicleColours
- Resources/GTAVC/VehicleModels
- Resources/GTAVC/Voice
- Resources/GTAVC/Weapons
- Resources/GTAVC/Weather
- Resources/Garages
- Resources/Misc
- Resources/Misc/Keys
- Resources/Objects
- Resources/Weather
- SDL.GetCPUCount
- SDL.GetKeyFromName
- SDL.GetKeyFromScancode
- SDL.GetKeyName
- SDL.GetKeyboardState
- SDL.GetModState
- SDL.GetPerformanceCounter
- SDL.GetPerformanceFrequency
- SDL.GetPlatform
- SDL.GetScancodeFromKey
- SDL.GetScancodeFromName
- SDL.GetScancodeName
- SDL.GetSystemRAM
- SDL.GetTicks
- SDL.Has3DNow
- SDL.HasAVX512F
- SDL.HasAltiVec
- SDL.HasSSE41
- SDL.HasSSE42
- SDL.SetModState
- Screen.aspectRatio
- Screen.height
- Screen.width
- ScriptingChanges
- ScriptingExamples
- ScriptingExamples/AddObject
- ScriptingExamples/AddVehicle
- ScriptingExamples/BasicCommand
- ScriptingExamples/BasicEvent
- ScriptingExamples/BasicTimer
- ScriptingExamples/CustomCheatsWithoutTimeRestriction
- ScriptingExamples/EnterVehicleAsPassenger
- ScriptingExamples/GameCommand
- ScriptingExamples/GameCommandTargetPlayer
- ScriptingExamples/HealAndFixInOne
- ScriptingExamples/LogChatMessagesToFile
- ScriptingExamples/PlayerDelayedHeal
- ScriptingExamples/PlayerJumpCommands
- ScriptingExamples/PlayerKillCommand
- ScriptingExamples/PlayerWeapon
- ScriptingExamples/SetWheelStatus
- ScriptingExamples/ShowTargetPlayerName
- ScriptingExamples/ToggleTyresBurst
- ScriptingExamples/VehicleAutoFlipperAndFixer
- ScriptingExamples/VehicleBounceAndFixer
- ScriptingExamples/getClientFromText
- ScriptingExamples/getNearestVehicleInRange
- ScriptingExamples/split
- ScriptingFAQ
- ScriptingInterface
- ScriptingTutorials
- ScriptingTutorials/CustomAudio
- ScriptingTutorials/JavaScriptTutorial
- ScriptingTutorials/LuaTutorial
- ScriptingTutorials/VehicleDisappear
- Sdl.cpuCacheLineSize
- Server/Defines
- Server/Events
- Server/Functions
- ServerCommandLine
- ServerConfiguration
- ServerManual
- ServerQuery
- ServerRules
- ServerSyncMethods
- SetEffect
- SetRenderTarget
- Shared/Defines/ElementTypes
- SupportedGames
- SyntaxHighlightTest
- TestEntry
- ThirdPartyVersions
- Time.second
- Translations
- Types
- Vehicle.setTaxiLight
- Weather.current
- Weather.force
- Weather.forceSnowing
- Weather.snowing
- addCommandHandler
- addEvent
- addEventHandler
- addNetworkHandler
- addToWorld
- audio.createSound
- audio.createSoundFromURL
- bindEventHandler
- bindKey
- cancellableEvent.isDefaultPrevented
- cancellableEvent.preventDefault
- clearImmediate
- clearInterval
- clearTimeout
- client.administrator
- client.console
- client.despawnPlayer
- client.disconnect
- client.gameVersion
- client.getData
- client.index
- client.ip
- client.player
- client.removeAllData
- client.removeData
- client.setData
- closeGarage
- collectAllGarbage
- connect
- consoleCommand
- createFile
- debugMode
- destroyElement
- disconnect
- element.alwaysExistForSyncer
- element.children